Hamlet And Hamlet Research Paper

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Revenge is a natural instinct for many people, but comes with a negative connotation, even though thousands do it every day. Revenge can be as small as getting back at a sibling for something they did. However, revenge can be as extreme as killing someone because they killed a person you love. Revenge is not always bad, but when revenge is used in the wrong way, it becomes scary. According to dictionary.com, revenge is "To exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit," ("Revenge."). In "Hamlet," revenge is a major theme throughout the whole play. King Hamlet and Hamlet start a quest to get revenge on Claudius for his actions. Their motives and desired outcomes related to the components …show more content…

The legal system can affect how a person feels toward revenge, "That can apply to cultures without a functional legal system, he says, or in groups that operate outside the law, like gangs and the Mafia. ‘They have to rely on their own retaliatory methods,' he says," (Price). In "Hamlet," even though there was a functional legal system, there were ways to get around it, "This may be a part of the strategy of Shakespeare's Hamlet, but Hamlet also reaps legal benefits from his charade—benefits that accrue because of the new state of the law. After all, insanity was a complete defense to murder. By feigning madness, Hamlet would escape all punishment, even forfeiture of goods, for the planned murder of his uncle," (Regnier). In the time of Shakespeare writing "Hamlet", he did include bits from the law throughout the play (Regnier). Hamlet made it very public that he was going insane, even if he was "faking" his insanity, and that could have been due to the possibility of him getting away with the death of Claudius. Even though Hamlet dies at the end, this charade could have protected him if he killed Claudius in another way, keeping in mind that Hamlet never planned on killing Claudius at the battle. Another type of person who has a higher chance of committing revenge are people with a high status, "Even if their anger persists, victims may shun revenge because they fear …show more content…

It is not a long-term solution, but a quick-fix. That, experts say, is part of its appeal — it gives a wronged party some gratification, even though it is only temporary," (Robinson). Hamlet started a cycle of revengeful behavior when he accepted his father's quest. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were Hamlet's best friends since they were young, however, that did not last for the whole play. When Claudius sent Hamlet to England, so he would be killed, he sent Guildenstern and Rosencrantz with Hamlet to bring him to the ship. However, Hamlet arranged for Guildenstern and Rosencrantz to be killed instead. Hamlet did this for two reasons, both relating to revenge. The first reason being that Hamlet could finish his father's quest and finally kill Claudius. The second reason being that because his childhood friends turned on him and were working with Claudius, so naturally he had to get revenge on them. His quest led him to get revenge on more than just Claudius. Revenge can lead to mental illness, and that is what happened with Hamlet. The second consequence is a person's mental state, "Strong desires for revenge and greater willingness to act on these desires have also been associated with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and psychiatric morbidity,

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