Hacksaw Ridge

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Edson Mata History Through Film: World War II World War II left a variety of perspectives to people all around the world and it even knocked on the door of the movie industry. Through the five movies shown below, a different story and battle happens which were all connected to the second World War. The first movie we saw was Pearl Harbor, but we only watched the part of the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941. From my opinion, the movie captures with great detail the attack on Pearl Harbor from the Japanese since they used the date and showed how all the Americans stationed were caught of surprise. Although in the movie, they show Rafe and Danny, the movie still describes the strategy the Japanese used to bypass the radios without detection because of the …show more content…

The movie goes on about the lives of the African Americans group like “Lightning”, “Easy”, and the others but overall depicts the racism they faced on the military because of their skin color. It displays how whites didn’t want to give the Red Tails important air based missions because they believe they were mentally inferior. At the end, the Red Tails have successful escorts and other missions and are recognized by the military because of the missions they accomplished. Hacksaw Ridge is one of my favorite war movies which shows the story of Desmond Doss and his medical influence in the Hacksaw Ridge that would led them to the Battle of Okinawa on 1945. In the movie, Doss saves countless of lives as he did in real life and at the end of the movie there is footage about the real Desmond Doss and how he received the Medal of Honor. Alone in Berlin reveals the story of Otto and Anna Quangel challenging the Nazi regime after they lose their son to the war. They begin to write postcards and spread anti-Nazism in their city to illustrate the rage many parents should feel against Hitler and the Nazis. Many Nazis feel hatred against them because they are disrespecting

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