HIV/AIDS Case Study

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Case Study #1
Since the development of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in the 1990s, HIV/AIDs has evolved from a death sentence into a treatable disease. It has presented a unique global health problem because while the treatments were very effective, they were extremely expensive, required advanced laboratory monitoring, were prescribed indefinitely, and required excellent patient compliance. In many of the developing countries devastated by AIDs/HIV, the health and societal infrastructures often had difficult supporting an effective treatment program. For that reason, it is estimated that 71% of HIV/AID cases are in sub-Saharan Africa and only 39% of of them are on ART (AVERT, 2015). Southern Africa is often considered the “epicenter” of the …show more content…

There are still many issues that the government has been trying to address. One barrier that continues to exist is the stigma of HIV/AIDS. People avoid getting tested and sick individuals would wait until they were extremely ill before seeking treatment. The government has countered social stigma through a public health campaign to promote HIV testing. As more people participated in testing, public attitudes started changing (Glassman, 2016, p.28). Still, many traditionally at risk groups continue to be vulnerable. Female sex workers, young adults, and men who have sex with men, have lower rates of HIV testing and have less knowledge about HIV prevention (Glassman, 2016, p.28). Addressing these populations will require additional social …show more content…

2015. HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa regional overview. Retrieved July 9, 2016, from

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 2006. Working with Botswana to Confront Its Devastating AIDS Crisis. Seattle, WA: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Retrieved July 9, 2016, from
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Glassman, A., & Temin, ‎. (2016). Millions Saved New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health. Ctr for Global Development.

Ramiah, I., & Reich, M. R. (2005). Public-Private Partnerships and Antiretroviral Drugs for HIV/AIDS: Lessons From Botswana. Health Affairs, 24(2), 545-551. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.24.2.545

Rouzier V, Farmer PE, Pape JW et al. Factors impacting the provision of antiretroviral therapy to people living with HIV: the view from Haiti. Antiviral Therapy. 2014; 19 Suppl

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