Gym Class

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Gym class is either a class that students love or hate. For younger ones, it is usually their favorite class because they get to play games and hang out with their friends. As the kids get older, the amount of happiness about exercising in school typically decreases. Despite the fact that most high schoolers do not like their physical education class, it is necessary to have all throughout their schooling. Young children and teenagers need to learn from an early age about how to take care of their bodies, which includes their diet and exercise. This will hopefully lead them into living healthy lifestyles as adults that will help them live a longer and happier life. Children in elementary school are the easiest humans to influence, partly because they do not quite know the difference between right and wrong. However, teaching children about physical health from the start is the best way to begin the process. Daryl Siedentop, a physical education expert, says that elementary taught classes aim to teach basic motor skills and seek to influence young children to be individualistic in their sport. Most people do not see these lessons taking place. They think of an elementary gym class where the kids are simply playing games, which does not …show more content…

These lessons should be taught starting at an early age, in elementary school and all through high school. Children must be taught how to take care of themselves, so they can keep the process during their adult lives. While genetics often play a factor in health, exercise and eating right will help to prevent some difficulties. The healthier a person becomes, the more they can pass it down to their kids, becoming healthier and healthier with each generation. Plus, their bodies will thank them in the end, when they are 100 years old, living all the way to see their grandchildren grow up, and maybe even some

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