Gunpowder Empire

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The first time muslims entered indias was 711 AD. Until 1526, India was taken over a few times by muslims. Northern India was conquered by the Mughals and they spreaded south. In Hindi, Mughal means Mongol. Mughals are a mixture of Turks, persians, and Mongols. The Mughal empire is a gunpowder empire. This means that they used guns and other weaponry that involved gunpowder. The Mughals were a great empire until their downfall. The empire had many famous rulers. The founder of the Mughal Empire was Babur. He got Muslims, and Hindus in India to join him and start a new country. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal. It was a tomb for his favorite third wife. During his reign, the empire was at its largest, most prosperous, and peaceful time. The …show more content…

The gunpowder empire encouraged trade among Central Asia and India. The main source of income was by making things and farming. The majority of people there were farmers. They produced clothing and slowly began using maritime trade. The government structure was mainly formed by Akbar. It had a mansabdari administrative system. They were the ones to collect taxes and divide out land. With the mansabdari in charge, the peasants were treated and taxed fairly and equally. Government’s specific roles in power started off with the Emperor at its head. The Diwan was the chief revenue officer while the Sadir appointed judges, and the Bakshi recruited officers for armies, administration, and helped the revenue system. The decline was a mixture of revolts, invasions, wars, and intervention. One important revolt was the Sivaji revolt because by 1707, Mughals retreated from West India. Around 1765, Britain came into play. They allowed the last Mughal Emperor to stay on the throne. He was banished after he led a rebellion against Britain. In the course of it India was deprived of many jewels, temples, and monuments. Nadir Shah invaded the Mughal Empire. He was the ruler and general of Iran. Fortunately, the Mughal Forces defeated him February 24, 1739. Several small warlords rampaged throughout the empire. They were Pindari, Maratha, and Iranian forces. With everything happening, the emperor was struggling to control the rebellions and keep the empire unified. The situation grew worse, until it was taken over by another

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