Gun Control Argument Analysis

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The issue of gun control is a largely debated topic. Shootings have been a major issue, yet no one has a solution to the problem. Although, In the wake of so many tragic mass shootings, like the recent Parkland, Florida shooting, the conversation tend to pull in two directions; Those who believe gun laws should be less strict and those pushing for more restrictions. The Government should ban gun control because of it leading to many shootings in the United States. Many People believe that simply banning handguns all together is ineffective, and this is the first reason why banning handguns is simply not an effective way to protect citizens. There have been several cities in the past that have considered banning handguns, and the results were …show more content…

Yes, All of Them, by Phoebe Maltz Bovy is an interesting article. Bovy’s thesis is that the number of firearms in the United States is directly proportional to crimes committed involving handguns here in the United States. Readers can identify, the author does a good job supporting his thesis by giving statistical information of other countries. Bovy starts by showing a chart of different countries and their rate of handgun homicides per population. The chart shows seven countries including the United States and the information is very supportive of Bovy's thesis, but what about all the other countries out there, which we will get to in the following paragraph. Bovy also argues that even though a ban on handguns would most likely take the handguns from law abiding citizens and not criminals, over time handguns will be harder and harder to get for criminals thus reducing the number of crimes committed with handguns. Bovy's argument is mostly supported by other countries and their results from stringent handgun laws. In conclusion, Bovy states that the loss of handguns to law abiding citizens is minimal to the many harmful uses of handguns. In another article “California’s proposed gun laws wont change our culture of violence, but they will make us safer” editorial by the LA Times Editorial board explains that, even though California has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, there are still many loopholes. The editorial board argues that the …show more content…

In the past few months there have been so many tragedies due to the access people have to guns. It is a scary thought that nothing is stopping a person taking a handgun from a club and using it however they feel like it. Most massacres are committed by people with no criminal record or no known history of mental illness. This means that no one can predict who will be the next crazy killer to go on a rampage, therefor we need to be strict on weapon use and who can actually take or own one of their own. So if handguns or any gun in general weren’t that accessible and so easy to get a hold of, most of this senseless violence would not occur. Many people can agree that if the proper laws are fully enforced we would have fewer criminals and much less death. For countries all around, it is very sad when any kid at a young age can get access to a dangerous firearm it’s just senseless. Readers can also agree that banning guns will not stop all violence as some people will go to a huge lengths to still get that one weapon, but people can be assured that it will have a dramatic decrease in the deaths and violence in any country around the

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