Gulag The Families Essay

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Free countries are built on the foundation of the right to oppose the government. For example in the 1960’s during the Vietnam War people for all a crossed the United States gathered at the National Mall and protested the war. This is a freedom that people in free countries enjoy. In countries that are ruled by communist leaders the people don’t have these rights. Look at North Korea. If a person opposes the government, they get sent to a work camp. Not only were they sent to a work camp, their children and grandchildren were sent to the camps as well. In communist countries (i.e. Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea.) sending people to jail for opposing the government is not a new idea. In the Soviet Union this method has been used since 1918 …show more content…

Families were broken apart because of the gulags. Husbands and wives. Mothers and fathers were separated from their kids. This was all part of striking fear into the communities of the Soviet Union. Here’s an example. Maria Tchebotareva had to feed four starving children. The reason is because in the early 1930’s there was a famine. She stole three pounds of rye from a collected field. (it was her field to start but it was taken away during the period of collectivization which is when the Soviet Union collected every individuals farms.) She served until 1945 and then had to live in exile until 1956. When she came back home she was never able to find he kids the rest of her life (What Were Their Crimes?, n.d.). This happened all over the Soviet Union. This cause multiple children to be without parents. People always say that the reason why there is so much crime in the United States is because they don’t have a father or mother figure. In the Soviet Union they take away the parent figure so this causes multiple problems. One problem come for taking the parents away from the kids is that the child doesn’t know what is going on. They don’t receive love or nurture. Which cause a problem because they don’t know how to act around people. They don’t know how to show love because they were never given

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