Guido Of Arezzo's Influence

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Annely Partida
6th hour
Guido of Arezzo

Arezzo, a man known as the inventor of modern musical notation, had been born 991 AD.
It is not confirmed if Arezzo was born in Italy as there are some theories saying he had come to Italy from France at an early age, but for now, all signs point to him being born in Italy. Guido had studied at Benedictine Abbey of Pomposa, as well as teaching singing there. He came up with new technologies for use, including the “do-re-mi” scale. Quickly, Guido had began to get noticed throughout North Italy for all that he had been doing. For example; he had taught ear training and sight singing, which had later become known as modern solfeggio.

Arezzo had his ups and downs throughout the music industry. For example; Guido’s undertaking had made him unpopular with others. Although, even though began to loose fame because of his undertakings, he had gotten more and more fame due to his teaching and music methods. Guido created a method that would take five months to to learn. While it would take 10 years in the past. Overall, Guido began to grab fame quick, and soon became well known throughout Italy. …show more content…

Some of the things he had “created” are the do-re-mi scale for singers warm-ups. The staff notation, and solfeggio which are as well for singers. Which I assume are warm-ups so they can sing longer without hurting their voices/throats. In conclusion, Guido of Arezzo was a skillful teacher, who had made up methods to teach those shorter than it actually

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