Guided Reading Teaching

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When beginning guided reading in the classroom, there are plenty of materials that are needed to engage students in the process. Guided reading is a small group guided lesson that teachers use to target specific students based on data and classroom observation. When teachers use data to pull small groups, students are able to get more one-on-one time.

Teachers have the power to affect every child in their classroom when given the right tools. Guided reading is like having a tool belt to encourage every child to read. The materials teachers need to use guided reading in the classroom begins with books. Students need books on their reading level and just above their reading level. Teachers may not have class sets of books, but having enough …show more content…

Guided reading encourages writing. Writing before, during, and after reading helps students in the understanding of what they are reading. When thinking about predicting what a text will be about students can write this down. As students read, they are able to jot down their thoughts and when students finish reading, they can answer written questions. Students will be asked to answer written questions when getting to a level F. Practicing this beforehand is important.

While students are reading, they may need sticky notes. Sticky notes are used for stop-in jots. This is when students stop at a part of the book they find funny, sad, informative, and a part where there could be a question. Sticky notes are easy for the teacher to conference about and as a quick observation.

Teachers will need to have a lesson plan for guided reading. At the end of the book are some premade plans, if interested. Lesson plans for guided reading will consist of a lesson based on what the students need. The teacher will model the lesson with the students. The students will read their books together. The teacher may need to read it to them and have the students follow, or the students may choral read together. As they are reading, teachers may have the students stop and answer questions. The teacher will also model what they may be noticing while reading or making predictions. On the lesson plan, the modeling portion, materials needed, and what to work on will be

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