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In response to the bombing of the town Guernica, Picasso made the painting Guernica. Picasso was to make a painting for the Spanish Pavilion. When he heard of the bombing of the town Guernica, he realized the evil that was happening. The anguish that he felt lead him to paint Guernica. There isn’t a single sign of hope within the painting. Everything within Guernica screams of suffering, anguish, and the evil of mankind. The bull within Guernica is representative of the minotaur and the complex workings of Picasso’s mind. The minotaur is an evil creature that is seen in both Guernica and The Minotauromachy. In The Minotauromachy, the minotaur is seen attacking a small girl, but is unable to due to the power of light. The bull of Guernica is symbolic of Spanish character, and with Surrealists, is also symbolic of the irrational forces within the human psyche. …show more content…

The women cry out at the pain and suffering around them. One of their children hangs dead in their arms. The other woman’s house burns as she is trapped inside. The horse cries out in pain. It was stabbed with a spear, leaving behind a gaping black hole. The horse is covered in strokes of paint which has the look of newsprint. The lines represent illegible text, and shows the power that art has over the news. Art is capable of touching people and showing them the horrors of humanity whereas newsprint is nothing more than words that no one truly

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