Growing up in a Cul-de-Sac and Close-Knit Neighborhood

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"Wake up! You need to go with your Massi to get groceries!" was screamed by my mother every Saturday of her pregnancy term. My mother had a difficult pregnancy, so the doctor had assigned her to bed rest for most of her term. During this time, my massi had moved in with us to take care of my mom, as my dad would work from 7 am to 5pm. I remember I was in kindergarten and thought I was all grown up and had the most difficult life ever. I mean, in a sense, I did have difficult life. I was a shy and a sensitive kid growing up, who was picked on at school for being fat and having facial hair. I was basically a mutant, the fat, hairy, tall Indian girl. Yes, I was also the tallest girl in my class at that time. I really could not do much to change this, well I could have lost weight or waxed, but I was too young to think about that. I was blessed though. I had a bodyguard as a best friend. Her name was Varina, she would literally punch anyone who would make mean remarks towards me. She was also my neighbour. We both lived in this cul-de-sac, which had a big circular island of grass in the middle with a streetlight sticking out like a Teletubby antenna. All of us kids, who lived in the cul-de-sac would play all day-long or simply fight. Everyone was feisty in our little cul-de-sac including me. The cul-de-sac was our second family. Everyone knew everything about everyone. Even our families were friends. I mean privacy was not really a concern back then. One of the girls would randomly walk into any of the houses and just open the fridge and start eating. It made me furious, because all of my ice cream bars would disappear. Everything inside me wanted to scream at her and tell her she was a “meanie.” Yes, a “meanie.” However, I nev... ... middle of paper ... ...ousin. I knew deep inside that at this point, we were going to move. I was sad. However, my whole neighbourhood had completely changed. Many of them had already moved out. Rarely would anyone come out to play. It just was not the same. I was kind of holding onto a cul-de-sac that did not exist. We followed in everyone else’s footsteps and moved out of the cul-de-sac. We moved into my grandparents's home and I got the prettiest room in the whole house. The “cul-de-sac break-up” was not as tragic as it sounds though. More than 10 years later, we are still in touch with few of the neighbours. Although, privacy is a concern now. Varina is still my best friend. I am actually grown up now and not so shy and sensitive. I also discovered laser hair removal and stopped growing at 5’4, but I’m still working on my weight. My nostalgia for my cul-de-sac continues to grow.

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