Growing Up Too Fast

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Every mother wants their child to try their best in school. Every father wants their child to be the star on the soccer field. Every child wants to be the apple of their parents’ eye. The problem is, the child can not meet everyone’s needs. In life, there will always be one person who is smarter, faster, or stronger, but it truly matters on who tries harder. Those that are determined will most likely benefit, rather than those with an obvious advantage. This quote, by Vince Lombardi, means to me that whoever wants the trophy the most, will be the one to win it. This includes extra studying, longer practices, and shorter nights. Neither of my parents went to college or even graduated high school until a few months ago. This meant that whenever I needed help on homework, I would not be able to get it from them. Many kids my age have parents that have graduated and are …show more content…

Failed New Year’s resolutions, failed amateur businesses, and trashed dreams are all determined by who is most willing. There are currently nine-year-olds with published novels, while certain middle-aged women cannot publish a simple poem due to their lack of motivation and will. In life, it is all about “who wants it more” and not “who can get there first.” Similar to the fable, The Tortoise and the Hare, perseverance plays a major role. To persevere is to continue a difficult task, whether one will succeed or not. To persevere is to be willing to complete the task and to be determined to succeed. Determination and the will to endure will always make for a successful leader. Like others who are successful, I had the will to endure and was successful with my educational endeavors. In conclusion, this quote is all about how life can be a turnout of unfortunate events, but with the right amount of determination and the will to persevere, the least fortunate and under advantaged can always be the most

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