Growing Up In A Community

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I grew up in a community was mostly Hispanic and my neighbors were from different nationalities from Latin America. My community is known for not creating many young Hispanic scholars. The few that did earn a degree never gave back to the community or motivated the youth to get a higher education. Growing up my circle was looking to people who earn fast money through crimes. We thought we could do the same, however I took a different route by join the National Guard. My friend Abraham who help me see a recruiter and help me to understand how the military would help me for my future. After training I seeked the next chapter in my life which was higher education. Taking a gap year after high school and seeing the best options I attend to pursue a degree in Computer Science and Business.
The lack of enrichment opportunities, led my friends and me to cause harm in our community. High school was a time when my friends and I got into vices and violence. Many of my friends started to experiment with drugs and alcohol because they were easy to access. Another group of friends was making a profit from selling drugs. I fell into to peer pressure, however I looked for brighter …show more content…

The program will incorporate them to participate in real world job experience in computers. Students will learn hands on about coding, robotics, cyber security, and game developing. Once they finish the program they can intern at my company over the summer by working with other interns and employers in creating or continuing current projects. The idea stems from my elementary days where I was in a computer program but never got to complete due to admistration cutting the program short. Also, expanding the program to community centers will allow me to reach numerous people who live in different areas in the city, but are in the same low financial

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