Growing Healthy Nails

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Essential Guide to Growing Healthy Nails
The Spring Makeover Series: Nails

Women with long, manicured nails look sophisticated and classy. Certainly, we admire those women with long, luxurious nails. However, it seems impossible for some women to grow long healthy nails. The nails consist of several key parts. For example, the free edge, nail plate, nail bed, matrix, cuticle, nail side walls, the lunula, and hyponychium. However, it is the nail plate that women admire the most. Women paint the nail plate; add sparkles, gel, gloss, and all sorts of things to pretty up the nails. The nail plate consists of several layers of tissue that grow out and harden, if they receive the proper nutrition and care.

Nail Shape
Take a look at your nails. Look at the shape and size. Now, look at a friends nails. They are probably very different. Nail size and shape varies person to person. It is almost impossible to find two people that have totally identical nail shape. Some people have short wide nails; others have long thin nails and a combination of other shapes in-between. One person might grow out flat nail beds while the other person's nails are arched high. Nail shape is as unique as your DNA. …show more content…

Therefore, if you want long nine inch nails, you've got a long wait. Here is something to remember. A healthy body creates healthy nails. Consequently, if your diet consist of fast foods, too much fat, and other unhealthy treats, your nails are going to reflect that fact. If you desire long, healthy nails practice the

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