Group Observation Essay

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The type of group I attended was an NA group called "Don't ask, Don't tell" andwas located in lake wales, FL. The specific purpose for this group is to help those that are going through recovery and help maintain a clean lifestyle. There were six participants in the group ages ranging from 23-60. The unique part about this group had a intimate setting. Everyone within the group treated one another as family. No one seem uncomfortable nor stand off within the group. The group facilitator was a recovering addict and had been clean for 10 years. The facilitator had clear knowledge of the disease of addition being that he was once in their shoes. The one thing that stood out about the facilitator was that he knew his group well and very calm and basically relate to …show more content…

He spoke of a time he would get mad at other for no reason and he spoke to his sponsor about it and would ask was he wrong for doing as such. and the sponsor respond it's because those people reminded him of his self. The overall challenges of arranging this meeting was more difficult compared to first time I attended a group. Reason why was due too many groups within the Polk county region are closed to visitors sit in’s. Another challenge that came upon was during the observation to actually witness again on how a substance can control someone life completely and ruin everything in their lives and it was heart breaking to witness. As before during the first group I attended with a family friend the emotions and stories were beyond thought of but to witness it again it actually affected me more than before. Overall attending this group was another eye opener for me again. As observing them I witness something bigger then all of us and that was the beauty of life. Being able to lose it all over a addiction but regain your life again for a second chance that's special to witness's their fight for

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