Group Analysis Paper

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The overall goals of the group is what attracted group members. Their common goals are to provide quality services to East Chicago residents. Group members are clear about the task they need to accomplish. They all work in the same department which provides them with common work experiences. Other factors that may have attracted members to this group is the size of the group. There are only four members which can facilitate communication between members. Group Dynamics Group Goals The group members’ ability to provide quality services to the residents of East Chicago is the group’s overall goals. They addressed problems encountered in the water treatment facility and heard the public comment of a resident who was concerned about his high water bill. Group member’s determined it would be in the best interest of the resident to come back with the necessary documentation to better service him. The group member’s individual goal is to be produce effective decisions to help resolve existing issues. Group Norms The group displayed some of the group norms that would be expected from the formal roles they assumed. All group members are employed by the Department of Water and thereby have to follow the formal norms which are written and established by the department. As board members they accepted the formal norms in place and they know what is expected from them. During the meeting all members listened to each other’s comments and avoided disrupting one another. The time of the meeting was noted on the agenda and followed by all group members. Group members are aware that only issues that are placed on the agenda will be discussed. Level of Group Cohesiveness The level of group cohesiveness was evident as group mem... ... middle of paper ... ...ning from group members to the individuals presenting information needed to be higher. Some group members (Joe and Ray) at times appeared to be confused during the program manager’s presentation. They would turn to John, who seemed to detect their confusion. He would paraphrased often to make sure all members understood, before moving forward to the next topic. Plan of Action I think what would help the group be more effective is if all members vocalized their ideas or questions. During this group meeting it seemed to me that the president of the board was the highest participator. Other members seemed distracted by the information they were given. They constantly looked down and were not attentively listening to the individuals speaking Also, the leader in this group John, should have tried to get quieter group members to express their ideas or questions.

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