Grooming A Horse Essay

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Grooming a Horse Have you ever wondered how to properly groom and tack a horse? This is something that many know nothing about. There is a certain way to do this or the horse or owner could get seriously injured. The first thing one should do is make sure they have the right halter and lead line. This is essential for the first step that actually deals with the horse, which is getting the horse out of the stall or pasture without being injured. When getting a horse out of a stall you need to make sure that one needs to make sure that they do not put themselves in between that horse and a wall. The horse could easily spook, which means get scared, and pin you to the stall wall where you could get seriously hurt. The same goes for getting a horse out of the pasture, never, under any circumstances, get between the fence and the horse. This is for the same reason. The next thing you do is walk the horse to …show more content…

Grooming the horse is very important; it is so that you can make sure there is not anything on the horse that will make it uncomfortable when you put a saddle on it. Grooming also includes the horse’s hoofs, you need to use a hoof pick and pick any dirt, rocks, or grass out of the hoofs, being mindful of the frog, which is a very sensitive ‘v’ shape in the hoof. This is so that the horse does not go lame. Then you use a curry comb to remove any lose hair from the horse, do not use this comb on the legs or the face, and when you walk behind the horse always keep one hand on its rump. Never walk under a horse’s neck. Next you can use a hard brush to remove the dirt and hair that was brought up by the curry comb, again do not use on the face or the legs. This brush is used in short, straight flicks. After you use that brush move on to the soft brush, this brush you can use on the face and legs also, but be mindful of those areas and move slow, those areas are very sensitive on a

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