Grimm's Fairytales - The Most Gruesome Tales Every Told

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Grimm's Fairytales - The Most Gruesome Tales Every Told Afterwards as they came back, the elder was at the left, and the younger at the right, and then the pigeons pecked out the other eye from each." "'Cut the toe off; when thou art Queen thou wilt have no more need to go on foot.'" "'Kill her, and bring me back her heart as a token.'" The Grimm's fairytales were, and have remained, some of the most violent and gruesome tales told. Although the tales were originated with the purpose of adult entertainment, they have been reiterated to children for centuries. This horrific style is one that has been questioned, regarding its audience, for as long as the Grimm's stories have been around. There have been many critics of the Grimms' work over the years. Maria Tatar, author of The Hard Facts of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, holds an extremely critical view of the tales told, and the content in them. She states, "Even those who know that Snow White's stepmother arranges the murder of her stepdaughter, that doves peck out the eyes of Cinderella's stepsisters, that Briar Rose'...

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