Grimm Brother's Cinderella Analysis

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In the 1812, Grimm Brother’s version of Cinderella , you will read about the cruel life she endured, the disowenment from her father and how birds not only guide her spriritually but are disclossures of truth, as well as revenge seekers. Any evil done towards the maiden was punished by her guarding birds.
In the story of Cinderella , the birds have a number of connotation amidst them.The birds symbolize as guiding spirit , disclossures of the thruth and retributors of revenge.
In this folktale the birds play as a guiding spirit for Cinderella.The birds are God like figures for her religious believe.The white birds symbolize her mother’s spririt. Protecting her and always been close by to assure her protection. When her mother passed she

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