Gregorian Chant Hallelujah Rhetorical Devices

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If you wonder how long ago music was discovered, just take a minute, and remember that we found proof at dungeons and pyramids in egypt. It showed us carvings on walls which means that people knew about music for a long time. Music has changed over decades but still is a main priority for many people today, such as myself. I personally listen to Electric dance and hip hop music. In this essay i will be introducing two marvelous pieces of music, and explaining a few things about them. The first one is the Gregorian Chant ‘’ Dies Irae ‘’. It has been developed under the direction of Pope Gregory l in the 6th century. It was published during the middle ages which are 476-1100. The second piece that i would like to introduce is ‘’Hallelujah …show more content…

Much of the power of the piece lies behind the rhythm of the word Hallelujah.The first note is lengthened and then explodes at the end. We have this HAAAA-le-lu-jah. I feel excited and happy listening to this song. Throughout the song many words are repeated over and over, but notice one thing that the tone level goes up after a word is repeated. I most definitely believe that this song is spiritual because it has sayings from the bible. It Actually made me realize that I've been distancing myself from a higher power. Which i think is incredible because no other music really makes me think of that. Hallelujah Chorus changes textures throughout some parts of the song. The piece begins with homophonic which means melody and harmony together, and it changes through to polyphonic which means many sounds and different entries. That is another great quality of this song which i …show more content…

Monks and Priests are usually the ones to perform it; in palaces and churches. It was first written in Latin but today you can also find a translated version of the song. I listened to both of the versions and for some reason i like the Latin version much more even though i do not understand the language. Something that is very unique with this song is that there are no instruments played, only a choir that sings in monophonic texture. Monophonic means one sound or one voice. in this case it is one sound because there are few people performing it in a loud voice. There is no conductor that is helping them out neither. A conductor is someone that is guiding the choir with hand gestures so that choir is organized. In the Gregorian Chant everyone sings the whole piece together. it is considered to be Liturgy, and is performed at a Mass.The part of the Mass is called the Ordinary. It consisted of five sections: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Deit. The song definitely requires effort and training on the part of a dedicated group of

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