Greeting Cards Sociology

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Sociology of Greeting Cards When looking at greeting cards at Target this is what is found. Girls are pink and boys are blue, weddings are white with a bride and groom, according to greeting cards. Taking this into account it is clear to see that, the greeting card industry does not do a good job at representing everyone. This is clear due to the fact that, girl’s cards are pink and glittery, with princesses and barbies. Boy’s cards are blue, with superheroes, and sports. Weddings are white and delicate, with brides and grooms. Although greeting cards are just greeting cards, by recognizing the fact that they are aimed to please one portion of society, society as a whole can help make a bigger variety of greeting cards, to please everyone. …show more content…

The reason for this is, where with the girls there was one card girls who did not like “girly” things, the same thing can not be said of the boys’ cards. The boys cards had nothing but sports, superheroes, and other “cool” “boy” things. Although there were a few cards with animals on them, they were not like the ones for girls were. Where with the animals on the girls’ cards were puppies, and kittens, the ones of the boys’ were dinosaurs. Again this is a very wrong and sad representation of boys this is because it does not represent the boys who may not like superheroes, sports, or dinosaurs. Again this is due to the fact that book pointed out, that when a baby is born is it’s a girl, she gets pink and dolls, but if it’s a boy he gets sports and bright colors. However, it’s mentioning again that even if the parents try to avoid these stereotypes, there is no avoiding them. However this is due to the fact that most products, such as toys, and even food in some cases, are directed for each sex. Some examples of this are again in toys or girls will get dolls, and ponies. Where boys get legos, action figures, and nerf guns. However, it should be noted that there are some legos that a directed at girls, but these sets are “girly.” But again this is unfair because it is stereotyping the boys into the category that all boys must like sports superheroes, and dinosaurs. In doing this unfair stereotyping of boy, it makes it next to impossible if not impossible for parents to find a card for their son who like puppies, or who like disney princesses. Again this is society forcing the saying “snips and snails, and puppy dog tails, that’s what little boys are made of”

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