Greene's Jewelry Argument Paper

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The following arguments will be used by Greene’s Jewelry against the defendant; violation of None Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in both Federal and State laws and the countersuit for wrongful termination. Greene’s has the original signed NDA by the defendant, which can be used as evidence. This signed NDA can illustrate the defendant has violated the legally binding agreement she had agreed to while employed under Greene’s jewelry. Howell Jewelry is Greene’s competitor; their intention for hiring the defendant was solely to use confidential documents she had from her previous employer when she was terminated. In addition to violating the NDA, the defendant violated both federal and state versions of the New Hampshire Trade Secret Law, that “safeguards …show more content…

The social environment has a strong “influence on public perception” (InnovateUs, 2016). It is within the Greene’s Jewelry to keep this court case private from the general public, although it is rather hard to do because of outlets such as the media. After the process Greene’s Jewelry will have to make some adjustments to their company policies in order to help assure that the company cares about their reputation as well as fixing it. Greene’s Jewelry communication department needs to make sure that they make a point to state that the defendant had not been performing adequately to company standards and was not a really great employee. The defendant regularly showed up to work late, she was untrustworthy on account of stealing confidential documents and sold them to the competitor in exchange for a job, due to actions such as these, the defendant proved she was not a good employee. Greene’s needs to alter the public’s perception from negative to positive, the company must show the defendant not in a single mother light but in that of a bad, untrustworthy employee. Since Howell utilized the information that the defendant provided to make a similar product that resulted in profits, it is possible for Greene to bring suit against Howell but in an attempt to minimize the negative public perception it would be best to handle one suit at a time and table at this

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