Greek Parthenon Research Paper

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Hello my name is Jaiven Gardner. I am going to tell you about the Greek Parthenon! This is one of my favorite buildings as it is the temple of Athena. Who I had chosen as my Patron Goddess. She was a favorite child of Zeus. He even allowed for her to use his weapons! Most Greek Goddesses had a special tree, for Athena it was the olive tree. Which she offered to the Athenians so they would choose her as there patron Goddess. She was not a daughter of Hera as she had no mother.
She came full grown from the mind of the man himself, Zeus. She was swift cunning and wise. Her strategy unmatched by any God or Goddess. She is the Goddess of wisdom war and of artisans. I, as an artisan admire her greatly. Now that you know a bit about the reason it

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