Greek Mythology: The Comparison Between Greece And Rome

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The comparison between Greek and Roman is that Hades story came from the Greek, and from the Roman Pluto has the same story as Hades but it is a different name. The two Goddesses share the same story of being the God of the Underworld. Some of Hades symbols are Cerberus his dog with three heads, the drinking horn, scepter, Cypress, Narcissus, and the key. (Greek and Roman Gods) Hades, the King of the Underworld and the overlord of the Dead rules in hell, along with his queen, Ferryman, and 3-headed dog, Cerberus. Hades is master of all dead souls. Cronus was Hades father, Rhea is Hades mother, and his brothers were Poseidon and Zeus. Hades and his brothers all wanted to share the universe, but to be the ruler of the universe, you had to draw lots to get it. Out of all of them, Hades had the worst luck and got the last choice. Hades then had to become the king and ruler of the underworld while Zeus got the sky and Poseidon the got the Sea. (Greek Mythology) Persephone the one that Hades feel in love with the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, she was a innocent that hadn't done much. Hades wanted to change that and make Persephone his wife and the Goddess of the underworld. Persephone’s parents were not pleasant with her going off to be with Hades to the underworld and they would never be pleasant with that. Hades was still determined to get Hades down to the underworld with him so, he would just capture Persephone and make her his maiden. Demeter, Persephone’s mother begin to search for her for nine day she went to the ends of the earth to find her she looked everywhere she could. She was furious she tore up lands and crops, but she still couldn't find her. Then, Hecate told Demeter that someone had captured Persephone but wasn’t for sure who it was. Zeus knew that if Demeter didn't find Persephone then she was going to make all of human kind starve until she found her. (Classical

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