Greed In The Crucible

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The Crucible

In the play, The Crucible by Arther Miller, the author depicts a theme of greed and revenge. The play takes place in 1962, in Salem, Massachusetts where infamous witch trials are held. The play is filled with revenge hungry and self motivated people, who are falsely accused of witchcraft and have their lives on the line. Rev Parris, Abigail Williams, and Thomas Putnam exhibit the many effects that greediness has on people and how easily it can ruin someone's life. Many people who were thought to be Godly righteous people were overtaken by greed, and the result led to an unexpected outcome of disappoint in either their life or someone close. There were three types of greed presented in this book, greed for money, greed for power, and greed for another person's spouse. Sometimes people who claim to be righteous and trustworthy often led to a disappointed truth who …show more content…

He was a landowner himself and charged other landowners and farmers with witchcraft out of greed. He wanted their land and thought that if they were charged with witchcraft he could then buy their land and increase his personal wealth. This resulted in the loss of innocent lives and chaos in the village. In addition, Putnam is so greedy, he accuses Rebecca Nurse, ”For murder, she's charged! For the marvelous and supernatural murder of Goody Putnam's babies”(71). This conveys his strong desire for money, he ruins Rebecca’s life by accusing her and putting her on trials while he continues to be greedy and increase his income. L To conclude, The Crucible, all began from simple accusations against a hand full of girls and later developed into great hysterias that are still known today. The author conveys that not all people who claim to be motivated by principles are, most are motivated by greed or

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