Greed Can Distort A Person's View In Reality

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Pride, Greed, Disloyalty Pride, greed, and disloyalty distort a person’s view of reality because Pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend. Greed super prideful person that brag about everything and keeps bringing it up as years go by. Disloyalty is the quality of not being loyal to a person, country, or organization; unfaithfulness. Here are some examples on how pride greed and disloyalty can distort a person’s view in reality. Pride infects our eyesight, causing us to view ourselves through a lens that colors and distorts reality. People with pride in their hearts speak of others’ sins with contempt, irritation, frustration or judgment. If either the “humble” or the “assurance” are missing in that equation, our hearts very well might be infected with pride. People with pride often forget about Yahweh and yeshua. These are some examples on how pride can distort a person’s view in reality. …show more content…

Some components of greed are Early negative experiences, Misconceptions about the nature of self, life or others, A constant fear and sense of insecurity, And a maladaptive strategy to protect the self A persona to hide all of the above in adulthood. The situation could be natural and unavoidable, like the untimely death of a parent, or living through a time of famine. These reasons lead me to believe that greed can distort a person view in

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