Greatest Story Ever Told Synopsis

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The movie “The Greatest Story Ever Told” speaks of Jesus Christ's life from birth to the death and resurrection. The movie covers many different topics and teachings in the Gospels. Though the movie is filled with a great cast and is written very well, there are many inaccuracies through much of the movie. These inaccuracies of the movie range from small movie mistakes to different people and readings of scripture in completely wrong parts of the story. The beginning of the movie shows the three magi following the star to Bethlehem. The magi stop and speak with King Herod before continuing on their way to see Christ. Once the magi arrive in Bethlehem they are greeted by the sight of Christ in his manger, he is on the upper level of the barn with Mary and Joseph. A large inaccuracy in this portion of the movie is the magi had to follow the star over Christ's birth for years before they could reach Bethlehem. In the Gospels the magi would have reached Christ when he was a toddler, not an infant. At the end of the scene we see King Herod as he passes away and Christ and Mary and Joseph are fleeing Bethlehem. In the next portion of the movie we see a man baptizing people in a body of water. We see the man preaching as he dunks them underwater baptizing them in the name of God. We find that this man's name is John, John the Baptist. …show more content…

During the scene Christ and the disciples come across a home, the home of Lazarus. Lazarus invites these men he has not met into his home and feeds them and learns from them about their adventures and teachings. He asks to follow Christ but he is told that he has too many worldly possessions and he could not learn what he needed to. Jesus tells him he would be distracted by his money and possessions. Though Lazarus was told he could not follow Christ he remained hospitable and eventually Christ and his disciples left to

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