Great Gatsby Social Class Essay

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Among Ash-Heaps and Millionaires

The desire for high status in the 1920’s has a volatile impact on humanity. The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of a few American literature novels to draw distinct lines between socio-economic classes. The novel accurately depicts the people of this time period and displays their troubling actions. The high society class lives life with a disregard of the law and exhibits their ignorance. The people in the Valley of Ashes, or the lower class of humanity, are driven to despair. Meanwhile the middle class is portrayed as fair-minded with more fundamental decencies. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby presents the opulence of the higher class, the anguish of the lower class… and somewhere in the middle lies the truth.
The lavishness of the high class puts their ignorance and disregard to the law on full display. Jay Gatsby, a self-proclaimed Oxford man and millionaire, tries his best to remain level headed but lets his wealth be known. Gatsby throws over the top parties that can get out of hand. The parties have a plethora of illegal bootlegged alcohol. Everyone of wealth comes and enjoys his marvelous amusements with no fretfulness of breaking the law by partaking in the consumption of alcohol. This carefree attitude towards the law is displayed in many parts of the novel. For example, in chapter IV, Gatsby shows the police officer who pulls him over for speeding a white card and the officer lets them go. The card is a bribe, this adding to the corruption of the law during this time. The willingness of Police officers to take bribes and allow those of high class immunity due to their wealth is abominable. This example shows both Gatsby’s ignorance and disregard of the law. B...

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...20’s was affected the most by the want of high status. They were a social class to go past extremes and cross the line.
In the 1920’s, people lived life however they felt like. Coming off a colossal war, many of the citizens believed they had this right. Examining humanity during this time period shows that groups of people fell into a hierarchy. By living life recklessly the high society class hurts others along the way. The people in the Valley of Ashes have lost all optimism. And the middle class which is portrayed as straightforward hard workers is left with self pride. After further social examination, the ranking of humans is purely based upon their wealth and status; breaking down into three classes of people. A high class made of money; a lower class in desperation … And a middle class is that the only societal group to have balance between work and play.

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