Great Depression And The Dust Bowl Essay

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When a person hears the words, “The Great Depression” they tend to think of one of the worst economic times in the United States. The Dust Bowl also contributed to this. The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl (also known as the Dirty Thirties) hit the United States like a truck. The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl affected many Americans in many different ways. American people also faced challenges, and they reacted in the most heartfelt and inspiring ways. The government saw the hardships people were facing and tried to help in the best way they could. The Great Depression was evoked by what many thought was the stock market crash of 1929. However, that was not the case, the stock market crash on October, 29 1929 was just the …show more content…

Talking about what the government did to help was a touchy subject because American citizens thought the government drew them into the Depression. During the first year of Hoover’s presidency, the economy was booming. Most people thought the economy was fine until Hoover came in. He was a very intelligent war vet who helped stabilize the economies. He also begged shops to rehire/ open the factories for workers, but they could not because they could not pay the employees. Hooverville was a “town” where the homeless lived and tried to help eachother out. Hoover asked Americans to give to charity, but even with the wealthy could not close the huge gap. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt beat Hoover in the election with 472 electoral votes (88.9% of the votes). Americans thought with the new president everything would start to look up. Roosevelt in his first 100 days passed “16 major pieces of legislation” (also known as The New Deal). The New Deal was an “attempt to relieve social and economic suffering of Americans” ). Roosevelt also tried to inform people as much as he could with speeches, and that made Americans feel better about their situations. Roosevelt, in his speeches says inspiring things such as, “The Nation asks for action, and action now.” (Roosevelt). Both presidents tried to help in anyway possible, but it depends on who you ask on rather it really helped or

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