Graphic Design at Experimental Jetset

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Art is the expression, thoughts and imagination that people express them by drawing, painting and assist people to creates more things by using their skills. Graphic design has became so successful from 1800s, by using the graphic design artists have created so many design and assist them to put their thoughts and ideas to create designs. "Experimental Jetset" is a graphic design company founded by Marieke Stolk, Danny van den Dungen and Erwin Brinkers. They also well have known for their use of Helvetica. "MMX" was a poster designed by graphic design firm "Experimental Jetset".

Most often artist influence of movement or design from another pattern. These designers influenced by movement such as De Stiji, Bauahaus. According designers, they used a few methods and themes, which considered as the most fascinating form of communication because of the creativity it contains and the vision it requires. They said that the theme "Optimism, collaboration, and design" used because they wanted to create something on the subject of year, which aid them to think about Roman numerals. At last, they used "Year 2010" in Roman numerals.

The elements of this design include primary and secondary colors, implied horizontal and vertical line in each rectangle. In this design divided this poster into four parts that considered rectangle. From these four rectangles artist used one rectangle for typography and other three used for design. According to designers, the triangles in each rectangle created "MMX" shape. In the top-right rectangle, there is four triangles and each has different colors and each triangles in symmetrical than others. Among all these four triangles, three of them are in yellow, blue, and green color. In the next top left recta...

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...ectangle. The typography is organized in asymmetrical arrangement. The designers used three different scale sizes for the text and Helvetica as well. Among all the text, the title is bold and large-scale size, which placed in RL of the rectangle. However, the sub-title are also bold and little large-scale size than the actual text.

In the final analysis, the designers used all the principles, elements, composition, and Helvetica for typography that made the design more fascinated. The cool and warm colors catch the viewer's eyes. This work contains motivating thoughts for example, when viewer tries to outline the figure/ground balance between the positive and negative space, it catch the attention of viewers and helps them to find out the theme, the letter between the three rectangles.

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