Grant Cardone Sacrifice Essay

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Grant Cardone, author of "Be Obsessed or be Average," and the owner of a $500-million real estate empire, used to play golf more than three times a week and had become entitled with his successes during games, which led him to a poor family life and decline in his social status. For his own success, he gave up his biggest hobby, and led himself to being the successful man that he is today. Although his story wasn't about sacrifice for others, he still gave up an important part of his life so he could try to succeed. Cardone recognized that change was necessary, and decided it would be of the hobby that he enjoyed so much. Eventually, after finding success, he noticed the value in the struggle of his sacrifice. As a society, humans mature and grow up knowing that different types of sacrifices are crucial, and …show more content…

Time sacrifice can be made by doing any type of service for someone else. Whether it be taking the time to cook a meal for someone, or even helping a lonely stranger by talking to them, anything helps. Additionally, the sacrifice of someone's time is immense, especially with people constantly rushing around nowadays. Likewise, the sacrifice of energy can be important for the wellbeing of others, especially those that you care about. Humans only have a finite amount of energy, so giving it up to someone else, like watching a friend's child for a few hours so they can have some rest/alone time, is usually extremely welcomed. Another sacrifice that can be made is through giving others money. If someone has enough to give, it's always appreciated when one donates to an organization or even someone in their own life who is short on cash. One last type of sacrifice is a sacrifice of comfort. An example of this could be giving up your seat for someone who needs it more on public transport, or even giving up a damaging hobby for your own gain. The different types of sacrifice are crucial to the result that comes from

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