Graham V. Connor Case Study

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What is it about? Why is it important? The case of Graham v. Connor is about DeThorne Graham a diabetic that had an insulin reaction, and was pulled over and stopped by Officer Connor. The case is important because it has set the bar when it comes to other cases and the use of force and violation of Fourth Amendment rights. What happen? Procedural history, Trial level, and Appellate level.1 On November 12, 1984, Graham was having an episode where he was having an insulin reaction and unable to drive. Graham then asked his friend, Berry to drive him to the nearest store so that he could get some orange juice. Upon arrival Graham entered the store and he notice the line was long, he then hurried out of the store and back to the car (what police often consider the behavior of a robber). Sitting in his patrol car Officer Connor noticed Graham’s suspicious behavior, and he then proceeded to make an investigative stop. After approaching the car, Graham’s friend Berry explained to Connor that Graham was a diabetic and was having a reaction and needed some help. Connor order them to stay inside the car. Once his back up arrived, Connor then went back to the store to see if anything had happen. After finding out that nothing had taken place, …show more content…

Happening in today’s society, there have been countless number of citizens being killed by law enforcement. Some situations may not cause for force and others may. This case can be a reference in regards to making sure that the force you use is appropriate for the situation. As for the justice system, it is all about being fair and listening to both sides and issuing out the right punishment if there is any. Many people in today’s time needs to get educated when it comes to the reason behind why law enforcement uses force to handle the situations they have to deal with. But in the end it all comes down to right and

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