Graffiti Persuasive Essay

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People have different opinions about graffiti, is this a form art? First, it is important to know the definition of the word art. Art is a form of expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, usually in a visual form of painting or sculpture. Now, graffiti is a way for the artist to express his thoughts and feelings. Graffiti is also used to express social and political messages. Some contemporary artists used graffiti to express their thoughts about today society. There is one artist in specific that began his career as a graffiti artist in the early 1990s. He transforms a simply, visibly wall into a great piece of art. He has painted on walls, streets, bridges and many other open places all over the world. According …show more content…

His art is well-known for his controversial, and often politically works. However, his identity is unknown he has a website with all the works that he had made in his career. Every paint and art that Banksy makes have a deeply significant; center in freedom and equality. His work often engages political themes, hypocrisy, critiquing war, and capitalism. Some common subjects that he includes in his works are rats, apes, policemen, members of the Royal family, regular people, and children. Banksy put the words and thoughts that people want to say but not have the value, into a picture for the world to see it. He produced and shot a movie about the most infamous graffiti artist titled Exit Through the Gift Shop, it was nominated for an Oscar in 2011. For some people he is a hero, for others a fighter for human rights and a clever visual activist. His works are amazing and controversial elevating the imagination to a higher level. Colby Buzzell, an American author and blogger, said that Banksy is a man of …show more content…

The words ‘There Is Always Hope’ are written just behind the young girl who can be seen losing a red balloon in the shape of a heart to the wind, showing the clear message of the painting. While the image may symbolize loss, the test on the right tells us that no amount of loss can eliminate the hope. The image brings a variety of ideas of love, innocence, hope, innocence, childhood, longing, whimsy, experience, wit and even self-confidence. Maybe the piece is supposed to represent a loss of hope or that what you desire is within your reach? The meaning is a positive remain of that there is always

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