Graduation Speech : A Special Education Teacher

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As a special education teacher, stories like Angie make me sad and angry all at the same time. I understand that teaching 20 to 30 students is difficult, but every child deserves an appropriate education and respect. I struggled with answering these questions with research and reading rather than with my heart.
Did her teachers provide her with access the general education curriculum? How?
I have to answer this question both yes and no. Yes, during kindergarten and first grade. Angie made normal progress within the kindergarten curriculum. Her troubles began in first grade where she struggled with associating sounds with words, but excelled in math, science, and other subjects that did not require reading. However, the teacher assumed because she was doing well in other areas, Angie lacked the motivational skills needed to learn how to read. Angie was held back in first grade after her teacher felt it would help her catch up to her peers. However, she continued to struggle and did as little as possible in class. Angie was referred for further evaluation in reading during the third grade. After the evaluations were complete and Angie started receiving special education services, her general education teacher did not focus on teaching her reading and spelling skills, because it was being taught and dealt with by the Resource Room teacher. The “no” part of this question is that her resource room teacher attempted to refer her to the “Honor’s Program” because she excelled in science, language, and math. However, the “Honor’s Program” teacher stated that “she was not sure that a child could be gifted and have a learning disability at the same time and that the program had very high and strict criteria.
To what extent does it appe...

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...arning, 2014). I believe that UDL can help children that are struggling. In school’s today much of the freedom and creativity that came with teaching is no gone. All the students are to learn the same thing at the same time in order to pass their states “high stakes testing”. However, we are finding that not all students fit into that box we have designed.
While reading and conducting research for this class, I am finding that more research is needed for mild disabilities. Although, laws are in effect to identify students with or at risk for disabilities and provide appropriate services, when required. Students with mild disabilities continue to struggle falling farther behind, and are at an increased risk of dropping out of school. Students with disabilities have the potential to and can learn, if we are willing to provide more assistance and support.

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