Graduation Speech

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I would like to thank all of you for coming on such short notice. After all, 18 years hardly seems like enough time to prepare for graduation. In fact, as I stand up here and looking at all of my classmates, I wonder if I am ready to graduate.

But I know that high school has merely been an appetizer in the seven course meal that we call life.

And for all of you that know me -- family, friends and teachers -- you know that I have a great appreciation for food. Whether it's a juicy slab of prime rib at dinner or just a package of Fruitos during third period, I can never resist. It is so sad, because often times I even think in terms of food.

In fact, as I sat down to write this speech the best form in which I could think of giving it was to compare our lives to a meal. In that meal, high school is merely the first course or an appetizer, a small sample that wets our appetites for the main dish. In the midst of indulging in our appetizers we sometimes forget that there is a main course yet to come.

Some of us have sampled oysters and discovered that we have a hatred for seaf...

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