Grading Scale And Definition Of Grading For Healthcare Institutions

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Grading for Healthcare Institutions:
The CRISIL’s provides a grade to healthcare institutions which is an opinion based on quality of healthcare services delivered to the patients by the institute. Healthcare institutions that have superior quality levels, better facilities and who are more consistent in their performance will be assigned a higher grade in comparison with other average institutions who will be assigned a lower grade. The grade assigned to a healthcare institution is not applicable to the entire healthcare organization. But only for a specific healthcare facility (i.e., one hospital in a location).
Grading Scale and Definition: The grading scale has two components. The first is the classification of the hospital if it falls …show more content…

The institutions in this category have the greatest standards in the Indian healthcare industry which is associated with service quality levels that are consistent and has the effectively serviceable facilities, equipment, and manpower.
Grade B exhibits Good Quality of services that are provided to patient. The institutions in this category has equipment, facilities, manpower and service quality levels that are consistent with high standards in the Indian healthcare industry, but would be lesser than quality levels provided by Grade A hospitals.
Grade C demonstrates an average quality of delivered patient care. This category has the institutions with facilities, equipment, manpower and service quality levels that are consistent with adequate standards in the Indian healthcare industry. Here, for such hospitals to be qualified for a greater grade improvements in particular areas is a requirement.
Grade D Reflects Poor Quality of patient care delivered. These have facilities and quality levels of service which are below the average standards in the Indian healthcare business. Considerable developments in patient care would be needed to obtain a higher grade. The lower grading only indicates that quality management standards will have to be set …show more content…

This results in accuracy and clarity in the grading process. A group of at least two appropriately trained and skilled analysts, is allocated to interact with the management of health care institution. The subjects discussed in the management meeting are all inclusive of topics like the, regulatory compliance, financial performance, medical specialties, , mission and policy, patient rights, nursing care and support services. From the preliminary management meeting to the final assignment of the grade it takes about three to four weeks for a multi-specialty hospital and around one to two weeks for a nursing

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