Grade Average Student

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I write this to you with an ambition that I may convince you into giving me ten extra points on my semester grade average. Mrs. Stigger I know you like to support students when it comes to passing; therefore, you should help me pass. I always pay attention and do my work. I push myself to do my best to achieve my accolades in education. I’ve never caused any problems in the class, and between you and me I know I’m your favorite student. I hope you don’t want to see your favorite student fail do you? So please give me a chance. In district rules you must give out extra credit work, so you give me ten extra points to my semester grade average. Although I am waiting at the last minute to ask you this, but I’ll prove to you that I deserve that …show more content…

Because you are giving me ten points, you will look good as a teacher because most your students will be passing. As a student I believe that everyone should have chances when it comes to passing their classes. Do you want to look good in front of your boss when he sees that most of your students are passing than the other teachers? Do you want us to pass your class? Look in life we have to take chances, and you got to pick the one. All Im saying is if you pass me you’ll have great things coming your way.

People would say what if you lose your job for giving me these extra 10 points. Nonsense, you won’t because no one will know. No one will if we don’t say anything, and I’m giving you my word I ain’t saying nothing. Like I said before, if you give me ten extra points, your student passing rate will go up, and your boss may give you a raise.

I believe that you will be one of the most memorable people in my life if you do this. I believe I deserve these extra points on my grade average, and I’ll do anything to get the points. I believe that everyone should have this opportunity. I believe you are the most caring teacher in the world Mrs. Stigger, and you love to support your students when it comes to passing. I believe you will do anything to help your students pass, so please help me get those extra ten

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