Government Ignorance

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"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion" (The Wisest Quotes on Wisdom). Ignorance greatly affects the world today. It hurts the physical environment in the way that it is taken care of, or in most cases not taken care of. It also impacts the way government works and who is elected, because of the voters’ lack of knowledge about the candidates they are voting for. Another way ignorance hurts the world is how it damages relationships by causing people to be pulled apart by their lack of knowledge about each other. It is said that ignorance is bliss, but in reality, it is a detriment to society.

The impact of ignorance on government is one that grows bigger every day as things become more and more complicated and too much for any citizen to fully follow and comprehend. "That government is best which governs least" (Thoreau 1). A relevant example of how people are ignorant of their government’s happenings is the United States. They also don’t have a good sense of who their leaders are or where they stand on certain topics. This is dangerous for many reasons; for example, if the citizens who are electing government leaders haven’t researched and found out enough information about the candidate they decide to …show more content…

It affects the way citizens interact with their government, because they are uneducated about those who they are bringing to power. It also changes the way people take care of the world they live in due to their lack of knowledge about their own actions. Also, it leads to mistakes that are made which could have been prevented if they knew what had happened in their past. Overall the main reason people are ignorant is they either don’t have the time to educate themselves, or they don’t care enough to make the time. “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver, and yields better returns than gold” (NIV

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