Gothic Themes Of Justice And Injustice

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Out of the four main Gothic themes, I would say the most prominent theme in this episode is justice and injustice. The other themes are present, for example when Nick and Hank were stuck in that office booth surrounded by bees they experienced confinement, Nick experienced terror when he stepped on the dead bee bodies (he thought the bees were around) and horror when the bees actually came later on, and Nick experienced appearance and reality when he realized the girls who were murdered were not actually human like they appeared. That being said, justice and injustice is by far the most common theme employed in this episode. In the Gothic world, justice must ultimately win over injustice. All those who directly or indirectly commit a heinous …show more content…

Now considering Grimm is both a work of Gothic film and a detective drama, it should be obvious to any audience why the theme of justice and injustice is ubiquitous throughout both this episode and the entire series. The biggest example of justice and injustice in this episode is present in the main plot. A woman named Melissa commits an injustice by killing two people with her bees, and is brought to justice by getting shot and killed. It sounds simple, but it essentially sums up the entire episode’s plot. When I think about it, it is fair to say the entire point of this episode was to explore the theme of justice and injustice. A common trait of the theme injustice and justice is excessive punishment, and I believe this episode also contains an excessive punishment. This show takes place in the state of Oregon, which is an overall liberal state. Because of this, it is unlikely Melissa would have receive the death penalty if she was arrested (if they could even prove she committed the murders; most courts do not recognize bees as a murder weapon). She would have probably served a long jail term and that would be

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