Gothic Elements In Gothic Movies

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The Gothic genre is one of the most popular in movies and books. Some of the characteristics include the colors red and black, creepy music and locations, insane individuals, or the paranormal. While the stories The Black Cat and the movies 1408 and Paranormal Activity 3 are all good examples of the Gothic, the one that stands out most is Paranormal Activity 3. This is because it contains the best examples of camera angles, lighting and, the paranormal. Camera angles can make a scene or make it just a plain movie. The camera angles in Gothic, go slow(to create suspense),are home videos(to make you feel like you’re right there) and, can move head whipping fast(so you feel like you have to watch over your shoulder). This Gothic element create suspense, fear and, creepy feelings all around. …show more content…

In Gothic it is usually dark with little to no lighting. In Paranormal Activity 3 things don’t just happen in the dark, they happen in the day and night. This make the bump in the night happen 24 hrs round. This can add fear into our hearts as we no longer have the safety of the day to hide through. In Gothic horror, Paranormal movies are the most made theme. The idea being tortured by something you can’t see, can’t fight, is creepy and stands out in Gothic horror. It has many gothic elements inside of the Paranormal such as, mental torture that you’re never safe, that you can’t fight what’s coming toward you, and it doesn’t matter how many lights you turn on because you never see what is torturing you. Ultimately, it brings in a creepy sense to the story. These are the best elements to make a story Gothic.These gothic elements can make suspense build up to no end. Everything in this will leave you looking over your shoulder and sleeping with the lights on. In the end, they are what make a Gothic story

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