Gordon Bennett Personal Narrative

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The Gallery of Modern Art is honoured to present an exhibition called “Personal Narratives” which will open on the 2nd of October and will close on the 5th of November. The combination of words and images in contemporary art production is an extremely useful and powerful vehicle for artists to use in order to express their messages. The text can either support the image or contradict the image in order to demonstrate the transparency of either or both elements. Two artists who combine both image and text in their art are well known Australian and New Zealander contemporary artists, Gordon Bennett and Colin Mccahon. “Personal Narratives” is a must see exhibition as it displays Bennett’s and Mccahon’s clever use of both image and text to convey personal narratives. Gordon Bennet is an Aboriginal Australian who uses text to communicate personal issues of racism, Colin Mccahon is an artist from New Zealand who uses text to convey________. These artists have powerful messages to communicate and are doing it in a highly urbane and strong way. Gordon Bennett The Coming of Light (1987) Bennett’s art piece, “The coming of the light” (1987), explores the issue of …show more content…

For example, the layers of dots symbolises the significance of Aboriginal dot painting. Layers of images superimposed with words. ‘I AM’ is borrowed from a well known art work, Victory over death 2, 1970 by New Zealand artist Colin McCahon. This rich interaction of words and images raises many questions. The simplicity of ‘I AM’ suggests a universality of thought. It is open to self revelation, self redemption and a myriad of rich images of self that can be built upon. McCahon uses ‘I AM’ to question notions of faith. Bennett uses it to question notions of self. ‘I am that I am’, Exodus 3:14 is God naming self. It is at once a name revealed and something like the refusal of a name. If God cannot be contained, can humanity be contained by stereotypes and

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