Good and evil are essential to each other

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In Beowulf the concept that good and evil are constantly contending is one of the most central themes to the epic. The poet makes it expressly evident that good and evil cannot exist without the other, for there would be no way of determining which was which. The religious undertone in Beowulf that God is intervening on the side of good is apparent in many of the battles fought, allowing Beowulf to prevail where someone evil could not have. Literature has questioned, for centuries, why God would have created a creature such as Satan to cause and teach evil, and what purpose He had for human life. Beowulf stretches itself to answer this question by showing that good cannot be known without a present evil.
Beowulf opens with identity; the need to be known as good or as an enemy is present in the introductions that a man gives himself. Are you a mighty warrior, or are you a monster. There is no in between. Women are products so do not need to be identified, but men fall under two classifications. Throughout the epic we see Beowulf consistently pitted against evil forces in his attempt to keep the peace. “So times were pleasant for the people there until finally one, a fiend out of hell, began to work his evil in the world.” (99-101) Grendel is the immediate enemy to Beowulf, which allows Beowulf to set himself up as good by following the hero’s code, one that requires honor and morality in defending your people no matter what the cost. His identity is crucial in establishing whether or not his ancestors were noble and good, and if his children (should he have any) will follow in his footsteps. You are born with a purpose and a predestined path, one which will decide if God will grant you safety or if he will condemn you to a painfu...

... middle of paper ... for God to show mercy and justness even in their worst offenses. In Paradise Lost the evils are represented by humans making us forced to understand that humans are fallible and imperfect. Even in a world of perfection, we desire knowledge. With that knowledge, Eden was lost, however the ability to distinguish between the two, and grow as a person became a trait people value.
The fall lost them paradise, but it gained them knowledge. In order for them to know good, they had to recognize evil. The two traits cannot survive without the presence of the other. God created a monster to show us that we have the strength to not give in and to be our own individual people. Eve gains an identity and Adam proves his love to God when he decides to repent. Ignorance does not provide a life where you can make your own choices; if it can be questioned, you need to question.

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