Good Employment Mediation

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Good employment mediation benefits everyone in a company. Even situations where it seems impossible to resolve a dispute can be helped by mediation, and can produce a good outcome for both employers and employees.

In a serious employment dispute (such as dismissal, personal grievances or harassment), it's sometimes tempting to try to find an outcome without involving a third party mediator. Unfortunately, because no one in these situations is unbiased, it doesn't always benefit either party in the long run.

Disagreements in business are sometimes as complicated as in a relationship. There can be a myriad of factors which make both sides feel they are in the right. This is where employment mediation can help; since mediators are independent and because they cannot be connected to either party, they can make an unbiased …show more content…

If the dispute is successfully mediated, it can lead to a mutually satisfying outcome, even when things are not how the parties expected.

When a compromise cannot be reached through employment mediation, a mediator can continue to work to find solutions that will benefit both parties, or offer a recommendation based on their unbiased understanding of the situation. They can even offer a binding solution that both parties agree to keep before the mediator decides the outcome.

Successful employment mediation also hinges on both parties being able to accept the outcome and honouring the agreement reached. In terms of employment, this may mean an employee accepting that they were fairly warned for behaviour that was inappropriate or that jeopardised themselves or others, and it may mean an employer accepting that an employee was warned or reprimanded without a strong enough reason to do so. As long as the outcome upholds the law, the mediator can then help both parties keep the decision by making them sign an

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