Good Bye Lenin Essay

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Good Bye Lenin! was set in 1989 East Germany. It followed the story of a young man named Alex – although, at the beginning of the film, he was just a boy. His mother thrived under the socialistic regime of East Berlin at the time. She was a schoolteacher, led the children’s choir, and wrote unpleasant reviews to companies in the hopes of bringing justice to unsatisfied customers in her spare time. Alex had a sister named Ariane. Alex and Ariane’s father had left when they were very young, which sent their mother into a deep depression. Eventually, she recovered, and life as they knew it returned. In 1989, Alex was protesting the socialist regime when he was arrested. His mother happened to see him being arrested, and immediately had a heart …show more content…

To her amazement, she was able to walk! His mother then wandered out of the apartment and outside, all while Alex was sleeping. She saw a new man moving in to the apartment complex. When she asked him where he was from, he mentioned a place in West Germany. She was perplexed by this. She wandered further, and saw an old statue of Lenin being flown away by a helicopter. Ariane and Alex quickly located her, and produced another fake news segment with Denis. The news segment stated that East Germany is now taking West Germany refugees, as they seem to prefer the GDR more than the alternative. Their mother, surprised by the news, wanted to start housing refugees in their summer house. Alex, Ariane, their mother, Lara, and Ariane’s boyfriend (Rainer) decided to take a visit to the summer house. While sitting outside, their mother decided to reveal her own secret. She had been lying about their father all these years. He had fled to West Germany because of Party oppression, and had planned to take the entire family with him. However, at the last second, she decided not to go. She had hidden all the letters from their father for years behind a cabinet in the kitchen. She deeply regretted doing this to her children. Alex and Ariane are shocked at hearing this

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