Good And Evil In Lord Of The Flies Quotes Analysis

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When Good and Evil Meet
How can one tell the difference between good and evil? It has been said that people have good and evil tendencies within them, and specific circumstances make these personality traits prominent. The novel, Lord of The Flies by William Golding explores human nature and sheds light on the complexities of mankind. Once the boys find themselves alone on an island, Golding provides insight regarding the differences between good and evil. Although Ralph begins as a civilized and strong character, the lack of society on the island eventually causes him to succumb to the morals he once rejected. At the beginning of the novel, Ralph appears as one of the only characters who has a rational state. Due to his confidence and ability to provide logical solutions and offer hope, the boys unanimously elect him as Chief of the group. From the onset, Ralph asserts himself and begins to come up with a plan for survival. This is evident when he says, “Listen, everybody must stay round here and wait and not go away. Three of us... will go on an expedition and find out“ (Golding, 23-24). This quote clarifies that Ralph is fit to lead the group as he cares the most about the wellbeing of others. Additionally, at this point in the novel Ralph is completely civilized and provides hope that they will be rescued. …show more content…

Ralph begins to show tell tale signs that he is starting to exemplify the trait of savagery. This is made clear when Ralph is seen to have been, ”carried away by a sudden thick excitement, grabbed Eric’s spear and jabbed at Robert with it” (114). He then goes on to yell “I hit him.” “I hit him with my spear, I wounded him” (114). Prior to this, Ralph stayed away from this type of behavior. Unfortunately, Golding shows that even the strongest morals and values in a character and be changed with the trait of evil and

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