Good And Evil In Beowulf

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The theme of Beowulf is that where there is evil there is good to fight it. The way they distribute this message throughout the story is by setting and characters. The main characters in the book are Beowulf and Grendel throughout the story Beowulf from the land of The Geats goes to the famous king Hrothgar’s land to save his people from Grendel, Beowulf goes through many battles while he’s at the king’s land and once he returns home he fights his final battle with the dragon and leaves his kingdom to the last heir. The author applies character to show his theme where there’s evil there’s good to fight it. For example “ that agony hung on king and people alike, harsh and unending, violent and cruel and evil.In his far-off home Beowulf, Higlac’s follower and strongest of the Geats--greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world--heard how Grendel filled nights with horror” (lines 106-112). Beowulf heard about the troubles King Hrothgar was having in his kingdom that Grendel, this unstoppable monster was killing the king’s men in their sleep and Beowulf being the cocky hero he is must kill Grendel. Grendel the monster which is evil and doing cynical acts is found out by Beowulf and now Beowulf has to defeat him to protect the king and his people also to get more fame. …show more content…

For instance, at the beginning of the story he says “A powerful monster, living down in the darkness, growled in pain, impatient as day after day the music rang loud in that hall,’ the harp’s rejoicing call and the poet’s clear songs, sung of the ancient beginnings of us all, recalling the Almighty making the earth, shaping these beautiful plains marked off by oceans…”(lines1-8). In this quote the author is saying Grendel who is evil is in pain by the men’s singing and cheering who are good. He sets the theme dark when he talks about the monster and when he talks about God and how he made these beautiful things it’s more like light and

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