Golden Fleece Analysis

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The Quest of the Golden Fleece (Mythology, Summary) The story started at the Kingdom of Iolcus, Greece, when Pelias gain the throne by killing his brother and taking the queen as his wife to rule the kingdom. The queen worries about her son that he might also get killed by Pelias she decided to hide the Jason in the wilderness and telling to the king that the baby had died. Jason was raised by Chiron the Centaur; he grew up smart and strong in the mountain. When Jason grew up and discover his rights as the prince, he decided to return to Iolcus to confront the king and take the throne. But Jason was challenged that if he can capture Golden Fleece from the Kingdom of Colchis within six months he can gain the rights to succession, but if he does not return he will kill his mother. Unknown to Jason, Pelias believed that this fleece will give him eternal life. With confidence and spirit, Jason took the challenge and formed the bravest men and women, asked help from Hera the Greek god friend and the best armors for their adventure. This includes Hercules, Hylas, Orpheus, Atlanta and others, Jason called them the Argonauts. They sailed the ocean using the mighty ship called Argo going to the land of Colchis, but in their journey they passed several challenges, they passed the land of Lemnos, Doilenes and Cius with the guidance and power of Hera, she is the …show more content…

Jason and the Argonauts were seized by King Etes men, but Medea help Jason and killing her brother. Medea joined Jason and the Argonauts in their journey and finally went back to Greece to bring the fleece to the king. In Pelias amazement to the Golden Fleece he was fooled by Medea that if he is chopped into pieces by his daughters and submerge his body in the cauldron, he will emerge young and vibrant with the help of her power and the fleece. Her daughter convincingly did the instruction but failed, they killed their

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