Going To Die Monologue

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You are going to die.
It’s as simple as that. We are born, we live while we can, and then we die. So why do we make such a big deal out of it when we hear someone else say it? We hear all of this sappy and emotional crap where people are pushed and ‘inspired’ to try to cure these causes of death, from disease to the loss of blood or pretty much any other natural or unnatural diagnosis one could look down upon with the eyes of pity-all for what? We’d only extend our lives a little longer to eventually face the ending chapter of our story when we’ve become more bound to the lives we’ve lived. We can’t avoid death, no matter how fondly we think of our lives, it’s just a fact we all have to face.

‘What do you say?’
‘What do you do?’
‘What can you say and do?’

Who cares! Here’s an idea, just die already. Most of us just choose either to wallow in our own misery as we so apparently loose everything we’ve ever cared about like we expected to remain alive forever. Meanwhile I have accepted my death to this point, I am an old soul but I have accepted this fact long before now, I believe it was when I faced my younger years-my early thirties in fact, a realistic time of my life where this very fact became as clear as …show more content…

She understands, she knows somehow, what it’s like and all-and she’s accepted it too...well, at the very least she has accepted it enough to look me directly in the eye without so much as saying what is really on her mind. And in all honesty I appreciate her, though I show it in the most peculiar ways no doubt, how I’d push her more than I do the rest-but without a doubt I do appreciate her. If I didn’t I wouldn’t even be writing this to you. So...here it

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