Going Grey Behind Bars Summary

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The article Going grey behind bars by Ginn, Jennifer talks about senior inmates and how having senior inmates is affecting the correctional system. The article gives statistics and information on senior inmates and how it is affecting our correctional system. The article also gives some ideas about how to solve this problem and what correctional system need to do so they can help senior inmates. The article implies that changes need to be made soon and that if changes are not made it will be worse in the future based on statistics. it also talks about cost, and how it is costing correctional agencies lots of money keeping senior inmates, it also explains how using these solutions could save agencies money and how they need to do it. The acritical is clear and to the point. It explains the cons of senior inmates and what the correctional facilities need to do to fix them. The article clearly states statistics and evidence on how this topic is a problem. It is focused on making sure the reader knows that if something is not done now then there will be bigger problems in the future. The article is overall understandable and well written. The majority of the article is stating evidence and using numbers so the readers see the growth of senior inmates over the years. The evidence is understandable and appropriate, it is correctly used and nicely …show more content…

There are many problems with overcrowding in our correctional system. The problem talked about in the article contributes to the bigger problem of overcrowding. If we work on getting seniors out of jails and in to homes, then it would benefit the seniors and the correction facilities. The solutions that were talked about were convincing and logical enough to be agreed with. The solutions benefit everyone, because it would be better care for the senior offenders, less money for the facilities, and more money for nursing

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