Going Back To College Essay

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Going Back for a College Degree Going back to college to earn a degree is an important decision for a person to generate due to there is a great deal to think about. Some may think that going to college will put them in debt, college is expensive and will take a lot of time and dedication. Especially, if an individual has a family, a stable job, and is thinking how to balance all those elements of life while adding college to it. Once the decision is rendered to attempt to return to college to receive a degree, thinking about the various benefits of earning a college degree; like an increase in potential future earnings, higher job satisfaction, and more job opportunities over those who do not have a college degree. Therefore, keeping in mind when considering going to college for a degree; “One of the most important and obvious benefits of college and reasons to earn a college degree or an advanced degree (Master’s, PhD) is to increase your earning potential” (Beckstead, 2018). Although, depending on the degree merited will also be subject to the income that will be earned for an engineering degree, possibly will earn more than a master’s in liberal arts. However, it does not matter what level of a degree an individual holds it still will make more money …show more content…

That is why thinking about attaining a college degree; to focus on a certain career field that an individual will make a career, specific companies provide an internship program like (Amazon, Disneyland, Apple, and many more) while going to college. Certain degree fields it is possible to receive certifications in that field of study, provided that an exam is passed. Additionally, another benefit to earning a college degree is that higher job satisfaction since there was an obligation, determination, and time that existed into earning the college

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